Domain Sale Process

Brokered Domains Sale Process.


OverView: There is NO Fee to List your Domains or Websites For sale in our System. If Your Domain or Website is sold a 20% Commission will be deducted from the Sale Price.
NOTE: Commission is Deducted from Sale price Only.  Any Additional, Applicable Fees such as stated Transfer fees are paid in full to the Seller.

#1. Register as a Seller by Completing Our Sellers Registration Form. This will give you access to our Sellers Control Panel where you may list and manage your domain names you wish to sell.

#2.  You must list the Domains you wish to sell in our system by selecting Add Domain or Bulk Domain Submissions.
NOTE: Seller is Responsible to List any and all additional fees (Transfer Fees, etc) in Each INDIVIDUAL Domain Listing.

#3. Endusers view our Searchable pages within our Brokered Domains section where your Domains and/or Websites will appear based on the Information you have entered for these domains/websites.

#4. A enduser makes a offer by selecting the "Make Offer" button next to your domain in our brokered Domain Listings. This enduser (Buyer) is then taken to a form to provide their contact information and offer amount. Upon submitting our "Make Offer" form our system will complete the following processes:
- The offer is added to our Database and System monitoring begins.
- An Email is sent to you the Seller to inform you of this offer.   Example
- An Email is sent to our Sales Staff to inform us of this offer and to permit us to begin monitoring it.
- A Confirmation Email is sent to the enduser/buyer confirming the details of the offer they have made.

#5. You the Seller MUST then log-in to our sellers Control Panel and either Accept or decline the Offer within 10 days. After 10 days the offer will automatically be deleted from our system and is NOT retrievable, and the Buyer is notified that the offer has been declined.
NOTE: It is Absolutely imperative that you keep your profile and contact email up to date to insure that you receive all offers on your domains. Additionally Please Be advised sellers Contact information is monitored. Invalid seller contact Information may result in your account and all domains being deleted from our system.

#6 (a).   If you Decline an Offer:  When declining an offer you are given the opportunity to say why  you are declining the offer (E.g.; Offer too low, I will not accept less than X amount on this domain, etc) We suggest you use this option as it is passed on to the buyer.  Upon you Declining an offer our system will complete the following processes:
- An Email is sent to our Sales Staff to inform us of this declined offer.
- An Email is sent to the Buyer to inform him/her that the seller has declined their offer.  This email will state the reason you have declined, Additionally this email informs the buyer that they may optionally make a new offer and provides them a link directly to our offer page specifically directed to the same domain.
- The Offer is deleted from our System.

#6 (b).  If you Accept an Offer:  The status of the offer is changed to "Accepted"   This update is referenced on your sellers control panel main page under Pending Offers heading (You may need to refresh page).
Upon your Acceptance of this Offer our system will complete the following processes:
- An Email is sent to the Buyer Informing Him/Her that their offer has been Accepted, Additionally this email provides complete Payment Information on this transaction.
- An Email is sent to you the Seller detailing the terms of this Sale. 
- An Email is sent to our Support Staff informing us that you have accepted this offer.

#7. Payment Pending: Buyers have seven (7) days to make payment in full after a offer has been accepted. Buyers are given the option of PayPal Payments or Paper Payment by Mail.   All Payments are Paid to CPI Sites Inc and held in our Escrow account.
- If payment is not made by the 7th day after the offer has been accepted our system will send the buyer a 24 Hour Email Notice that payment MUST be made or this offer will be no longer valid.
- If Payment is still not made by the 9th day after offer has been made. The offer is deleted from our system and you the Seller will be notified by Email that the buyer did not make payment.
NOTE: Buyers who do not make payment on accepted offers will be banned from placing any future offers on our system.

#8. Payment Has Been Received:  After Payment has been received You the Seller will be contacted by Email informing you that payment has been received and to request the Transfer of the Domain to the Buyer. This email will contain all Information required for the Transfer process. Example
NOTE: Domain Transfer MUST be Made within 48 Hours after Email Notification Date.

#9. Transfer Has Been Made:   Upon Completion of a Transfer you the Buyer should contact our sales department at:   to inform our staff that you have completed the transfer.  This email should Include the Following Information:
- Domain
- Registration Website Url
- Login Username and Password
After the Transfer has been confirmed by our staff Payment will be made to you the seller in the Payment Form you have stated in your Sellers Profile. For the Total amount Due (Less 20% Commission, Including all specified Transfer fees, etc)  NOTE: Please allow 48 Hours for Payment to be processed.

#10. Final Payment Made:   Our sales staff will contact you by email to inform you that Payment has been processed and mailed or paid by Paypal (Depending on your chosen payment method).

